CO2CRC applied research


Our work

CO2CRC’s Applied Research Strategy is built from the achievements of the past 20 years – applying and further developing industry driven scientific research to develop current to next generation technologies and operational methods that support the commercial deployment of low to zero emissions technologies.

Explore the latest in CO2CRC research below

CO2 injection

Storage research

The Optimising Storage Program develops new and innovative technologies and enables the deployment of CO2CRC’s demonstrated technologies for commercial scale application.

capture research

Capture research

CO2CRC’s capture research builds on the long-standing history of the organisation in developing innovative carbon capture systems at a range of scales from laboratory to demonstration scale

Hydrogen storage

Hydrogen research

Hydrogen (H2) geological storage is attracting increasing attention globally, however, very few countries can move quickly to field scale demonstration.

co2 utilisation

CO2 utilisation

CO2CRC are exploring the use of CO2 for commercial viable opportunities

Direct Air Capture

Direct Air Capture

The OITC has potential to become a first of its kind DAC-CCS pilot test site

circular economy

Circular Biomanufacturing and Hydrogen Hub

CO2CRC is proposing to create a demonstration of a Circular Biomanufacturing and Hydrogen Hub (CBHub)

Otway International Test Centre

The Otway International Test Centre enables field scale research and development of CCUS technologies for commercial deployment